Prof. DIMITRIOS PANAGIOTOPOULOS, University of Athens, Advocate, Attorney-at-law, Vice Rector (f) of Central Greek University, President of International Association of Sports Law (IASL), Greece
Associate Editors
Prof. GERARD AUNEAU, University of Toulouse, France
Prof. KEE YOUNG YEUN, Dongguk University of Seoul, South Korea
XIANG HUIYING, Assoc. Professor, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law , China
General Editing
Asst. Prof. OLGA SHEVCHENKO (PhDJur), Lawyer, Assistant Professor, Moscow State Law Academy, Secretary General of International Association of Sports Law (IASL), Russia
Asst.Prof. GIANDOMENICO ANNA DI, PhD and Law Philosophy Researcher at the University of Teramo, Italy.
Asst. Prof. KARINA ZALCMANE ( Dr.iur), University of Economics and Culture,Lawyer (Riga), Latvia
Assistant General Editing
DAPHNE PANAGIOTOPOULOU, Lawyer, LL.M., National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. Greece
Scientific Committe
Prof. Sergey Alekseev, Moscow State Law University, Russia
Prof. Αyodeji peter Agbonjinmi, (Ph.D., LL.B., BL), Sport Sciences University of Vendafor Science and Technology, Advocate, Nigeria
Prof. Steve Cornelius, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
Prof. José Luis Carretero Lestón, University of Malaga, Spain
Prof. LIN Xiaoai , Nanjing University Science and Technology, China
Prof. NASSEREDDINE KESRI, Department of Sports Administration and Management, University of Algiers, Algeria
Prof. José Luis Carretero Lestón, University of Malaga, Spain Prof. James Nafziger, University of Willamette, USA
Prof. Andras Nemes, (Dr.Jur., Ph.D) Faculty of PE and Sport Sciences Head of Dept. Sport management, Semmelweis University, sport lawyer, Budapest, Hungary
Prof. RICHARD H. MCLAREN, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Prof. MATTHEW J. MITTEN, Executive Director, National Sports Law Institute, Marquette University Law School; Arbitrator, Court of Arbitration for Sport, USA.
Prof. Igor Ponkin, International Institute of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Russia
Prof. Klaus Vieweg, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Prof. Alexandru Virgil Voicu, Babeş-Bolyai” University, Lawyer, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. DE BUEN RODRIGUEZ Abogados, Lawer, Labor and Sports Lawyer. TAS-CAS, Arbitrator, Mexico
Prof. WANG XIAOPING, China University of Political Science and Law Vice Director of China Sports Law Research Center, Beijing
Prof. Lic. Karel Luis Pachot Zambrana, University of Oriente, Facultad de Derecho El derecho al deporte, la Constitución y las Normas de ordenación Del deporte en Cuba
Prof. HUIYING XIANG, Prof. Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, China.
Prof (Asst), KARINA ZALCMANE (Dr.), EKA University of Applied Sciences (EKA), Latvia
Prof. (Asst), SADEGHLOO –AHMAD YOUSEFI, Islamic Azad University of Science and Research, Islamic republic of Iran.
Prof (Asst), KAMENECKA-USOVA MARINA, PhD, Assist. Prof., EKA University of Applied Sciences, Latvia
Special CollaBorators
LEÓN ALFONSO, Associate at Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo Sports Lawyers, Spain.
BAHBHANI ADEL, Delegate Professor of Civil Law, Kuwait University, Kuwait
IOANNIS ANAGNOSTOPOULOS (Dr.), Lawyer-Advocate, Instructor at the University of Peloponnese, Greece
ISKANDER M. AMIROV, PhD, Head of the Theory of state and law chair of Ufa, Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
AYUSO RODRÍGUEZ FRANCISCO JUAN, Associate Professor of Administrative Law, Spain
JAKUB BASCIUK, Department of Criminology and Economic Criminal Law Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, University of Wroclaw, Poland
JUSTYNA BALCARCZYK, LL.M. Associate Professor, University of Wroclaw (Poland), Lawyer at SPCG Law Firm, admitted to the Bar in Poland
JUAN FRANCISCO RODRÍGUEZ AYUSO, Associate Professor of Administrative Law, Spain
TA BHUVANEDRA, Lawyer cum Sport Sociologist, Sri Lanka
ESTEVE BOSCH CAPDEVILLA, (Dr.) Tenured Lecturer of Civil Law Study Group on Sports Law, Revirai Virgili University Tarragona, Spain
MANUEL J. MARTIN DOMINGUEZ, Gomez-Acebo & Pombo, Spain Girardin Benoit, Course Lecture at Faculty of Law, McGill University, Canada
MAURÍCIO FERRÃO PEREIRA BORGES, Advocate, Brasil Georges Cavalier, Maitre de conferences Habilite a Dinger des Recherches, Universite Lyon 3, Faculte de Droit, France
RICARDO GENTZSCH, Abogado/LawyerLLM/K, Schiller Abogados, Spain
ELENA ATIENZA MACÍAS (Dr)Lecturer in Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law - Donostia-San Sebastián Campus at the University of Deusto, Spain
GEORGI GRADEV, Sport Counsel in Sofia, Bulgaria
KADIR GURTEN (Dr.), Member of Ankara University Law Faculty, Turkey
CÉSAR GIRALDO, Lawyer , Socio En Gher & Asociados, Colombia.
SOTELO JOAQUIN GONZΑLEZ, Journalist and fellow Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
SILVIA VILANOVA HERNΑNDEZ , Judge of Appeal, Puerto Rico
MAJED M. GAROUB , Chairman of the Law Firm of Majed M. Garoub (LFMG) Garoub, Jeddah – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
TAMER MOHAMED SOLIMAN ELDOMIATY, Associate Professor and Head of Civil Law Department, Police Academy. Professor of Private Law - Faculty of Law, The British University in Egypt, Egypt.
TASOS KABURAKIS, Assistant Professor Department of Management, John Cook School of Business, Saint Louis University, USA
ALEXEY KULIK Graduate of law faculty of the Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov, Russia.
MAGDALENA KĘDZIOR Lecturer (Dr.), The School of Law and Public Administration in Przemyśl, Poland
YOKO KUSHIDA Chief Secretary Japan Sports Arbitration Agency, Japan.
JOHAN LIXDHOLM, LL.D. Senior Lecturer in Law Umea University Department of Law, Sweden
MACÍAS ATIENZA ELENA (Dr.), Lecturer in Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law - Donostia-San Sebastián Campus at the University of Deusto, Spain.
IOANNIS MOURNIANAKIS, Dr. LL.M. (Heidelberg), Attorney-at-law, Greece Gabriela Autran Dourado Dutra Nicacio, Lawyer, Brazil
YURIY OLESHKEVICH, Member of the Sports Law Commission, PA "Belarusian Republican Union of Lawyers", Belarus.
DEMETRIUS PHLUDAS (Dr.), Cambridge University, Unated Kindom
DAPHNE PANAGIOTOPOULOU, Lawyer, LL.M., National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. Greece
PANAGIOTIS PANAGIOTOPOULOS, (Dr) Sports Management University of Peloponnese, MBA Economic University of Athens, Dr of Xharokopeio University of Athens, Greece
DENIC ROGACHEV, Prof. (Asst.) Moscow State Law University, Russia
KANG RAEHYOUK Attorney at Law , Legal Affairs Team, Korean Olympic Committee Seoul, Korea.
RAJABI – ELHAM PH.D Student in private Law of Islamic Azad University from Tehran , Iran
ANDREY SOLOVYEV (Dr.), Judge, Chairman of the Courtof Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, Russia
RAPHA STÉPHANE Lecturer at the University of Toulouse III - PhD student in private law at the University of Toulouse I, France.
MARIIA TIKHONOVA Asst. Professor (Ph.D), Lecturer of Civil Law of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.
VITTAR EDUARDO SMITH, Lawyer, Secretariat of Sport, Argentina
ALDONS VRUBLEVSKIS, President of the Latvian Olympic Committee, Latvia
LINGLING WEI, PhD candidate, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
ADEL ZERAMDINI, Lawyer, Tunisia
GONZALO BERNARDO OCHOA ZUBILLAGA, Lawyer, Iusport Bufet Juridico, Mexico
ZHANG XIAOSHI, Sports Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and La, China
ZHAO JING, Sports Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and La, China
SHINOHARA TSUBASA, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
WAHID OSHODI, Lawyer, with great interest in the development of sports law. Based in Nigeria and United Kingdom (UK).
Important notice:
When an author is referring to texts from the IASL database, he is obliged to mention the sources as well as the review in which they are published.
e-Lex Sportiva Lournal
Prof. Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos, University of Athens, Advocate, Attorney-at-law, Vice Rector (f) of Central Greek University, President of International Association of Sports Law (IASL), Greece
Associate Editor
Prof. Kee Young Yeun, Dongguk University of Seoul, South Korea
General Editing
Asst. Prof. Olga Shevchenko, Moscow State Law University, Secretary General of International Association of Sports Law (IASL), Russia
Assistants Editing
Aanna Di Giandomenico, (Phd and Law Phil.), Researcher at the University of Teramo, Italy
Angelos Patronis, (LL.M.) University of Athens, Advocate, Attorney-at-Law, Greece
Aikaterini Karachaliou, Lawyer, Greece