
GANDERT DANIEL,Associate Professor of Law, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law*, USA. CHEN HAITIAN. Xiamen Arbitration Commission, Arbitration Secretary, Sports Law Research Institute of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law*, China, GAROUB MAJED,Lawyer, Saudi Arabia. GIANDOMENICO ANNA DI, Professor (Asoc), University of Teramo, Italy. HUI WANG, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Wuhan, China. KONITSIOTI RIZOU PENNY, Attorney at Law MSc University of Athens, Greece, LIANOS GEORGIOS, Lawyer, Dr. jur., Postdoctoral Researcher at the National and KapodistrianUniversity of Athens, Greece. MESTRE ALEXANDER MIGUEL, Advocate attorney-at- Law, Sports Lawyer Lisbon, Portugal, NAFZIGER JAMES A. R., Professor, Willamette University,   Oregon-USA. NEMES ANDRÁS (Dr.)Prof. Hungarian University of Sports Science, Hungary.PANAGIOTOPOULOS DIMITRIOS P. Professor at the University of Athens Attorney-at-Law, AdvocatePresident of International Association of Sports Law, Greece. DAPHNE PANAGIOTOPOULOU, Lawyer, LL.M (2)., National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. Greece. QIAO YIJUAN, Associate Professor, Hunan Normal University, Hunan, China..XIANG HUIYING, Associate Professor, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law and v. Director at Sports Law Institute, China. XU YIQI, Postgraduate, Hunan Normal University, Hunan, China.


* Project Fund: General Project of the National Social Science Foundation, Project No. 21BTY058

Author's introduction: Chen Haitian, Xiamen Arbitration Commission, Arbitration Secretary, research interests: International Sports Law.