In this issue is included:

i) Articles and Researches
On Definition of the Concept "Sport" (Igor V. Ponkin)
The Institutional Autonomy of Sport and the Limits of the Freedom in The Employment Relationship  (Olga Shevchenko)
Theoretical basis of the systematization of legislation on sport (Andrey Soloviev)
Patent law in the sports sphere (Anna M. Kouznetsova)
Legal Aspects of Sports Tourism Protection, Greece and European Union (Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos)
Peculiarities of public administration in the sports sphere (Alena I. Ponkina)

ii) Special Researches
Regulation and governance in the sports sphere in Australia

Legal Regulation of Mediation in Sport
Investigation and registration in Sport science of Sport and education

iii)Jurisprudence - Case law
Court of Justice of the European Union

Court Arbitration for Sport (CAS)

iv) Abstracts of 19th IASL Congress  

v) IASL News, Book Review & Index

Table of Contents

Vol. I, Issue 1, 2013 (full version / pdf)

Publisher: Helenic Center of Reshearch (HSRSL-EKEAD)

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HSRSL: 13 Veranzerou Str. GR - 10677 Athens, Greece / Tel.: +30210 3839440 / Fax: +30210 3839450
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